Becoming Fully Buzzword Compliant

How do you keep your skills up to date in this fast-moving and turbulant industry?


You’re at this conference to hear all about “best practices”, the latest trends in technology, and presumably to level up your own career. But it’s a tall order, learning to be a fully buzzword compliant developer, architect or lead, especially when What’s Hot changes on practically a daily basis.

During this talk, Trisha will give an irreverent overview of the current technical landscape and present a survival guide for those who want to stay ahead in this turbulent industry.





These are the sources I mention in the talk and some of the tools I personally use to help organise my news. Definite slant towards the Java / JVM world.

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These are literally the first articles I found with the search “blockchain bluffers guide”. I am in no position to qualify how good they are, but they gave me enough of an overview to make me feel comfortable I wouldn’t make any stupid mistakes in 2 minutes of mentioning Blockchain.

I’ve already listed resources for my research in this area in Real World Java 9, but these are particularly used in this presentation:


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  • Trisha Gee

    Trisha is a software engineer, Java Champion and author. Trisha has developed Java applications for finance, manufacturing and non-profit organisations, and she's a lead developer advocate at Gradle.

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