All Public Appearances

For blatant self-publicity, I'm making a note of all the presentations, panels, interviews, articles and other public-facing events I've been involved in. This is a non-exhaustive list.

Presentations, Live Streams and Panels


17 Jul: Aspiring Speakers Q&A Session / Speakers Panel

25 Jun: DPE Tour London: Productivity is Messing Around and Having Fun (with Holly Cummins)
24 Jun: London Java Community Unconference
19 Jun: Azul Webinar: Your Undead Code Is A Time Vampire
14 Jun: DevBcn: Are Your Tests Slowing You Down?

8-11 May: DevoxxUK - Developer Productivity Engineering: What's in it for me?;97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know (with Kevlin Henney & guests); Productivity is Messing Around and Having Fun (with Holly Cummins); Troubleshooting Your Maven and Gradle Builds with Build Scan®

9-11 Apr: Devnexus - Are Your Tests Slowing You Down?
8 Apr: DPE Tour, Atlanta - Developer Productivity with IntelliJ IDEA

21 Mar: vJUG - Are Your Tests Slowing You Down?
19 Mar: Payara Webinar - Maximizing Developer Productivity: Tools and Techniques For Java Developers
6 Mar: IntelliJ IDEA Conf - Developer Productivity With IntelliJ IDEA


4-6 Oct: Devoxx, Antwerp - Are Your Tests Slowing You Down?

20-21 Sep: DPE Summit, San Francisco - Host and MC, main stage
13 Sep: Madrid Java User Group - Developer Productivity Engineering: What's in it for me?

22 Aug: London Java User Group - Developer Productivity Engineering: What's in it for me?
17 Aug: Manchester JUG - Developer Productivity Engineering: What's in it for me?

4 Jul: DevBcn - Developer Productivity Engineering: What's in it for me?

29 Jun: Builds and Bullseyes, London

13 Apr: Amsterdam JUG - Developer Productivity Engineering: What's in it for me?
11 Apr: Utrecht JUG - Developer Productivity Engineering: What's in it for me?

3 Feb: O'Reilly Superstream - Career Advice for Programmers


Sabbatical. I wrote a couple of books.


30 Sep: Coffee Club - Staying Ahead of the Curve
20 Sep: IntelliJ IDEA Live Stream - IntelliJ IDEA + Space = Complete Environment for Collaborative Software Development
15 Sep: IntelliJ IDEA Live Panel - Getting Ready for Java 17 (with Mala Gupta, Nicolai Parlog and Tagir Valeev)
1 Sep: SpringOne - Staying Ahead of the Curve (2021)

18 Aug: IntelliJ IDEA Live Stream - Testcontainers – From Zero to Hero
11 Aug: Coffee Club - Episode 1: Levelling up as a developer (via non-technical skills)

29 Jul: Open Source Software Superstream Series Learn New Java Features with IntelliJ IDEA

2 Jun: IntelliJ IDEA Conf - Why Do Developers Love IntelliJ IDEA?

23 Mar: Oracle Developer Live - Java Innovations - Learn Java 16 with IntelliJ IDEA

18 Mar: Software Architecture Superstream Series: Meet the Expert - Trisha Gee


4 Dec: JLove - Life Beyond Java 8

23 Oct: JDConf - Modern Java with IntelliJ IDEA

4 Sep: LJC Virtual Meetup - Three Tips for Giving Presentations (lightning talk)

7 Jul: JetBrains Technology Day for Java - Life After Java 8
2 Jul: JPoint Online - Life After Java 8

24 Jun: J-Spring Digital - Life After Java 8
2 Jun: LJC Virtual Meetup - Speaking at events and conferences: from getting started to getting keynotes

31 May: LJC Virtual Meetup - Java at 25 Panel
21 May: Oracle's Java's 25th Birthday Kickoff Event

9 May: Silicon Brighton online - Life After Java 8

2 Feb: FOSDEM, Brussels - Surfing the Tsunami - News from the IntelliJ IDEA Community


8 Oct: SpringOne Platform - Fully Reactive: Spring, Kotlin, and JavaFX Playing Together
3 Oct: SC London - Reading Code is Harder than Writing It

11 Sep: Java developers at Google - Reading Code is Harder than Writing It (screensharing with audio).

20 Jun: GOTO Amsterdam - Life After Java 8

28 May: IntelliJ IDEA Webinar – Webinar Recording: What’s New in JDK 12
8-10 May: DevoxxUK, London – Life After Java 8

13 Apr: JetBrains Nights, Moscow - IntelliJ IDEA Top Tips

12 Mar: Architecture Summit, Munich – Career Advice for Architects
4-6 Mar: QCon London – Life After Java 8; Becoming a Fully Buzzword Compatible Developer

5 Feb: Software Architecture, New York – Career Advice for Architects


12–16 Nov: Devoxx Belgium, Antwerp – Is boilerplate code really so bad?

30 Oct: O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference, London – Keynote: Career Advice for Architects

22-25 Oct: Oracle Code One - BoF: Diversity and Inclusion: Are We There Yet?; Is boilerplate code really so bad; Fully Reactive: Spring, Kotlin, JavaFX, and MongoDB Playing Together (with Josh Long); Panel: Emerging Languages Bowl 2018: The Battle for Supremacy Rages On; BoF: I’d Like to Speak at Conferences; Now What?; Panel: Public Service Announcement: Java Is Still Free!; Keynote: Groundbreakers: The Code Avengers; Panel: Meet the JCP EC Candidates

10 Oct: JetBrains Webinar – Code Review Best Practices

5 Oct: Software Craftsmanship London – Code Review Best Practices

14 Jul: ProgNET, London - Career Advice for Programmers

12 Jun: JBCNConf - Is boilerplate code really so bad?

11 May: DevoxxUK - Is boilerplate code really so bad?; Ask the Architect (featuring Amy); Closing Keynote: The Java Council (featuring Amy, Evie and Hunter)

8 Apr: IntelliJ IDEA Webinar - IntelliJ IDEA and Java 10

7 Mar: QCon London - Is boilerplate code really so bad?

27 Feb: SVQJUG - Is boilerplate code really so bad?


3 Oct: JetBrains Webinar - Real World Java 9

19 Jun: JBCNConf, Barcelona - Real World Java 9
14 Jun: GOTO Amsterdam - Real World Java 9

13 May: Sevilla Developer Conf 4 - Career Advice for Programmers
11-12 May: DevoxxUK - Real World Java 9; BoF: Don't just Embrace Change, Create Change

17-19 May: J on the Beach, Malaga - Real World Java 9

28 Apr 2017: Progscon, London - Becoming Fully Buzzword Compliant

21-23 Mar 2017: Devoxx US - Java 9 Features and Tooling; BoF: Don't just Embrace Change, Create Change
6-8 Mar 2017: QCon London - Java Track Host; Real World Java 9

8 Feb 2017: Refactoring to Java 8 (webinar)


1-9 Dec: YOW! Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney: Java 8 (and 9!) in Anger

7-11 Nov: DevoxxBE, Antwerp: Refactoring to Java 8

30 Sep - 1 Oct 2016: Lambda World, Cadiz: Java 8 in Anger

18-22 Sep 2016: JavaOne: Refactoring to Java 8, Java Council Live

8 Sep 2016: JavaZone: Code Review Matters and Manners

13-15 Jun 2016: QCon New York: Refactoring to Java 8
8-10 Jun 2016: DevoxxUK: Refactoring to Java 8

12 May 2016: Agile Manchester: Keynote - Staying Ahead of the Curve

26-29 Apr 2016: Craft Conf, Budapest: Staying Ahead of the Curve


11 Nov: Devoxx: Virtual JUG Podcast Live
3 Nov: Virtual JUG: "Java 8 in Anger"

25-29 Oct: JavaOne: "Java 8 in Anger", Virtual JUG Podcast Live
17 Oct: Sevilla Developer Conf: "Java 8 in Anger"

22 Sep - Women In Technology Panel, JavaOne (video)
11 Sep: The Lead Developer: "Staying Ahead of the Curve"
7-8 Sep: Swansea Con: "Level Up Your Automated Tests"

17-19 Jun: DevoxxUK: "Java 8 in Anger", "Keynote: The Extraordinary Team of Developers" (with Daniel Bryant)
15 Jun: Bash, Belfast: "HTML5, AngularJS, Groovy, Java and MongoDB all together"
10-11 Jun: QCon New York: "Java 8 in Anger", "Why do we still not give a @#%! about testing?!" (lightning talk), "Keynote: How Did We End Up Here?" (with Todd Montgomery)

12 May: GOTO Chicago: "Level Up Your Automated Tests"

29 Apr: Spring I/O, Barcelona: "Is Groovy Better than Java for Testing?"
23 Apr: Craft Conf, Budapest: "Java 8 in Anger"
11 Apr: Greach, Madrid: "Is Groovy Better than Java for Testing?"
10 Apr: Devoxx France, Paris: "Java 8 in Anger".

15 Mar: Women Techmakers Istanbul: "Building a web app with AngularJS, Java and MongoDB"
2 Mar: QCon London: Half day tutorial - "HTML5, AngularJS, Groovy, Java and MongoDB all together"
3 Mar: Ladies Who Code, London: "Public Speaking for Novices"
4 Mar: QCon London: "Java 8 in Anger"


4 Dec: hack.summit(): "HTML5, AngularJS, Groovy, Java, MongoDB altogether: What could possibly go wrong?"
2 Dec: Ladies Who Code: "Working for an Open Source Company"
1 Dec: London Java Community: "HTML5, AngularJS, Groovy, Java, MongoDB altogether: What could possibly go wrong?"

29 Nov: London Java Community Open Conference - "Intro to Public Speaking for Beginners", "Career Advice for Developers", "Ask the Experts Panel"
24 Nov: Barcelona JUG: "HTML5, AngularJS, Groovy, Java and MongoDB all together – what could go wrong?"
22 Nov: NoSQL Matters, Barcelona: "Building a web application with MongoDB & Java"
12 Nov: Devoxx, Belgium: "Women and female speakers in the Java ecosystem - How to ameliorate the current situation?"
6 Nov: GOTO Berlin: "Keynote: Staying Ahead of the Curve"

16 Oct: GeekoutUK: "Pick the right tools to improve your productivity"
16 Oct: GeekoutUK Community Night: A Guide to IntelliJ Live Templates
14 Oct: JAX London: "Rapid Web Application Development with MongoDB and the JVM"
2 Oct - JavaOne: "HTML5, Angular.js, Groovy, Java, MongoDB all together - what could possibly go wrong?"
1 Oct - JavaOne: "Java Champions and JUG Leaders Meet Oracle Executives"
30 Sep - JavaOne: "Lambda Q&A Panel"

18 Sep - vJUG: "HTML5, Angular.js, Groovy, Java, MongoDB all together - what could possibly go wrong?"

23 Jul - OSCON: "HTML5, Angular.js, Groovy, Java, MongoDB all together - what could possibly go wrong?"

20 May - GOTO Chicago: "HTML5, Angular.js, Groovy, Java, MongoDB all together - what could possibly go wrong?"

7 Mar - Joy of Coding: "HTML5, Angular.js, Groovy, Java, MongoDB all together - what could possibly go wrong?"
6 Mar - QCon London: "HTML5, Angular.js, Groovy, Java, MongoDB all together - what could possibly go wrong?"

11 Feb - JFokus: "What do you mean, Backwards Compatibility?"


Dec - YOW Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney: "Career Advice for Programmers" & "What do you mean, backwards compatibility?"

23 Nov - London Java Community Open Conference: "Keynote: Java, the Future, and You", "Novice Speaker's Clinic", "More Speaker Tips", "Career Advice for Programmers", "Intro to MongoDB", panel: "So you're a senior developer - what next?"
21 Nov - Virtual JUG: "Design is a Process, not a Document"

29 Oct - JAX London: "Design is a Process, not a Document"
28 Oct - LJC: "Speaker's Clinic: Public Speaking for Beginners"
18 Oct - GOTO Berlin: "What do you mean, backwards compatibility?"
2 Oct - GOTO Aarhus: "Top Ten IntelliJ Tips"
2 Oct - GOTO Aarhus: "Career Advice for Programmers"

26 Sep - JavaOne: "Design is a Process, not a Document"
12 Sep - JavaZone: "Design is a Process, not a Document"

23 Jul - JavaOne Shanghai: "What do you mean, backwards compatibility?"
3 Jul - TCube Dublin: "Design is a Process, not a Document"

27 Jun - TTN: "Design is a Process, not a Document"

16 May - GeeCON: "What do you mean, backwards compatibility?"

10 Apr - East Anglia MUG: "Trisha Gee, an Unconference"
9 Apr - MongoDB UK: "Schema Design"

27 Mar - DevoxxUK: "What do you mean, backwards compatibility?"
21 Mar - LJC: "What do you mean, backwards compatibility?"
8 Mar - QCon London (with Dan North): "Hire Education - Making Interviews Rock"


4 Dec - Webinar: "Financial Markets: Processing High Volume Data Feeds with MongoDB"

29 Nov - Webinar: "MongoDB on the JVM"
24 Nov - LJC Open Conference: "Keynote: The State of Java"; Panel: "Does Performance Matter?"; Panel: "The Java Community Process"; "An Introduction to NoSQL"

15 Nov - Devoxx: "The Problem With Women: A Technical Approach"
14 Nov - Devoxx: "Agile++: When Agile Goes Well"

17 Oct - JAX London: "Java Performance Frequently Asked Questions"
3 Oct - JavaOne: "CON11338 A Technical Approach to Women"
3 Oct - JavaOne Panel: "CON5130 London Java Community: How to Change the World"
1 Oct - JavaOne: "CON3732 Concurrent Programming Using the Disruptor"

30 Sep - JavaOne: "UGF10467 Why Open Source Your Secrets"
23 Sep - Strange Loop: "Workshop: Introduction to the Disruptor"

18 July - OSCON: "Concurrent Programming Using The Disruptor

25 May - 010 DEV: "The Disruptor"
24 May - GOTO Amsterdam: “Concurrent Programming Using The Disruptor”

21-23 May - GOTO Copenhagen: “Concurrent Programming Using The Disruptor”,”War Stories”, "Programming with the Stars"

29 Apr - GirlGeekMeetup London: “GDC Meet a Mentor”; “Why Open Source Your Secrets”; “Technology in Electronic Trading” (with Annalisa Sarasini); Panel: “Women Only Events - Are We Creating A Girl Ghetto?”

7 Mar - QCon London: “Concurrent Programming Using The Disruptor


7 Nov - Devoxx Panel: “Why we shouldn't target women
2 Nov - JAX London: “Understanding the Disruptor, a Beginner's Guide to Hardcore Concurrency” (with Mike Barker)

11 Oct - LJC: "Beginner's Guide to Hardcore Concurrency” (with Mike Barker)
6 Oct - JavaOne: “LMAX Disruptor: High-Performance Concurrent Programming Framework” (with Martin Thompson)

1 Jun - LJC: "Introduction to the Java Community Process

Training and Workshops

May 2024 - DPE University: How to Use Build Scan® (self-paced online training)
May 2024 - DPE University: Introduction to Develocity (self-paced online training)
Dec 2017 - InformIT Video Training: Moving to Java 9 LiveLessons: Better Design and Simpler Code. Also available on O'Reilly Learning
Aug 2015 - InformIT Video Training: Building Java 8 Applications with Microservices. Also available on O'Reilly Learning.
Dec 2014 - InformIT Developer Talks: Java and MongoDB Rapid App Prototyping: App Development using HTML5, AngularJS, Groovy, Java, and MongoDB. Also available on O'Reilly Learning
Oct 2013 - JAX London: "Tutorial: A fluent API for Java and MongoDB"
Sep 2012 - Strange Loop: "Workshop: Introduction to the Disruptor"


(Contains affiliate links)

2024 Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA (2nd Edition)
2022 Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA (1st Edition)
2022 Head First Java (3rd Edition)
2020 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know - Edited by Kevlin Henney and Trisha Gee. Also features three articles by Trisha
2019 [Developer, Advocate!]() - Geertjan Wielenga. Trisha contributed the content for chapter 24
2015 What to Look For in a Code Review - Trisha Gee

Wrote the forewords for:


May 2020 - Oracle's Java Magazine: Five Code Review Antipatterns
Jun 2018 - JAX Magazine: Modern development with JetBrains IDEs - with Florin Patan
Sep 2015 - Oracle's Community Site: Java SE 8 in Practice
Jan 2014 - Oracle's Java Magazine: Introduction to MongoDB and Big Data
Nov 2012 - Oracle's Java Magazine: Exploring Lambda Expressions for Java
Mar 2012 - Oracle's Java Magazine: Sharing Data Without Contention
May 2011 - White Paper: Disruptor: High performance alternative to bounded queues for exchanging data between concurrent threads

Podcast Guest

Feb 2024 - Happy Path Programming: #94 Build Ops & Developer Productivity With Trisha Gee
Feb 2024 - Developer Productivity ISN'T About Measurement | Trisha Gee In The Engineering Room Ep. 26

Apr 2023 - A Bootiful Podcast: Gradle Advocate Trisha Gee
Feb 2023 - Book Review: Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA
Jan 2023 - Book Review: Release It!

Dec 2022 - Leanpub Frontmatter Podcast: Trisha Gee, Co-Author of Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA

Dec 2021 - Trisha Gee In The Engineering Room Ep. 2
Sep 2021 - Book Review: How to Manage Your Manager
Jun 2021 - SE Radio 465: Kevlin Henney and Trisha Gee on 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know
Jan 2021 - Tanzu.TV - Between Chair and Keyboard - The one with Trisha Gee

Nov 2020 - Book Review: 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know
Oct 2020 - #10 - State of Java & Code Review Best Practices - Trisha Gee
Apr 2020 - Why we hate to read code
Mar 2020 - Trisha Gee: Developers Should Invest More Time Into Learning Their Tools
Feb 2020 - No Fluff Just Stuff: Java is not Dead

Sep 2019 - Busy Being Human with Trisha Gee
Jul 2019 - Software Developer's Journey #60: Trisha Gee owns her career
Jul 2019 - Frontier Podcast: Soft skills, communication, and programming as a thinking activity

Dec 2018 - IT Career Energizer: Work Smarter to Become a More Effective Developer With Trisha Gee
May 2018 - Groovy Podcast Ep. 57 with Trisha Gee

Feb 2017 - Functional Geekery Episode 85 – Trisha Gee

Nov 2015 - Software Engineering Daily: Java and Developer Advocacy with Trisha Gee

May 2012 - BBC 5 Live

Oct 2011 - Java Spotlight: Duke's Choice Winners


Aug 2023 - Leanpub Course Launch: Working With Code in IntelliJ IDEA by Trisha Gee and Helen Scott (video)

Dec 2022 - Leanpub Book Launch: Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA (video)

Sep 2021 - How to Manage Your Manager (video plus transcript and extra info)

Jun 2020 - 11 things I’ve learned from the experts about how to choose a topic for your first tech talk (text article plus video clips)
Jun 2020 - The 10 things I’ve learned from speaking to the experts on why you should consider speaking at events (text article plus video clips)

Nov 2019 - The Reluctant Advocate: Trisha Gee (text)
Oct 2019 - Trisha Gee SC London 2019 Interview (video)

May 2018 - Ask the Architect with Mark Reinhold, Trisha Gee and Amy (video)

Jul 2017 - Trisha Gee on the Java Eco-System (video)
Jul 2017 - Where will Java go? (text)
Jun 2017 - Trisha Gee Interview at JOTB17 (video)
Jun 2017 - Successful developer Trisha Gee works from Sevilla (text)

Dec 2016 - Hangout with Voxxed: Trisha Gee on Devoxx (video)
Nov 2016 - Java Champion Insights with Trisha Gee (video)
Oct 2016 - Interview with Trisha Gee (and Eva) in Lambda World 2016 (video)
Jun 2016 - Trisha Gee and Eva on Java 8 Patterns (video)
Jan 2016 - Devoxx: Interview with Trisha Gee (video)

Nov 2015 - vJUG: An Interview with Trisha Gee (video)
Jul 2015 - Trisha Gee on the Java Ecosystem (video)
Apr 2015 - Tech ecosystems in Sevilla & London (video)
Apr 2015 - Java 8 in Anger (video)
Apr 2015 - IDE Talking: Smarter Refactoring in IntelliJ IDEA (video)
Mar 2015 - In The Spotlight: Trisha Gee (text)

Sep 2014 - Trisha Gee on the differences between London and Seville’s Java Communities (text)
Aug 2014 - DZone Dev of the Week (text)
Jul 2014 - Interview with Trisha Gee on building a buzzword-compliant web app at GOTO Chicago 2014 (video)
May 2014 - What Could Possibly Go Wrong? at GOTO Chicago (video)
Mar 2014 - Trisha Gee on MongoDB, Java 8, and What Excites Her About Writing Software (video)

Aug 2013 - JavaOne 2013 Preview (video)
Mar 2013 - Devoxx UK (video)
Mar 2013 - Top Tips For Working With Techies (text)
Mar 2013 - Google Presents Women Techmakers (video)

Nov 2012 - Devoxx (video)
Oct 2012 - NightHacking with Trisha Gee (video)
Jun 2012 - Oracle's Java Blog - Duke's Choice Awards (text)
May 2012 - GOTO Copenhagen (video)
May 2012 - Graduate Developer Community (text)
Mar 2012 - InfoQ at QCon London (video)
Jan 2012 - Heroes of Java (text)

Nov 2011 - Oracle Technology Network at Devoxx (video)
Oct 2011 - JavaOne (video)

Guest Posts

As a developer advocate it's my job to contribute to an organisation's blog. You'll find many of my posts on the JetBrains blogs, especially on IntelliJ IDEA and Upsource. This section lists guest posts on other sites, and the occasional key piece from the day job.

Jun 2019 - DZone's 2019 Guide to Java: Beyond Java 8
Apr 2019 - InfoQ: Upgrading from Java 8 to Java 12
Apr 2019 - FogBugz: Code Review Best Practice
Sep 2018 - IntelliJ IDEA Blog: Using Java 11 In Production: Important Things To Know
Jun 2018 - DZone: Java Collections Are Evolving - original content for DZone; also featured in the "DZone Guide to Java" for 2018.
Jul 2017 - InfoQ: Painlessly Migrating to Java Jigsaw Modules - a Case Study
Oct 2016 - InfoQ: Ways to Make Code Reviews More Effective
Oct 2015 - Safari Books Online: Five Java 8 Features That You Won’t Be Able to Live Without
Oct 2015 - DZone: Why Java 8?
Oct 2015 - JetBrains: Why Write Automated Tests?
May 2015 - Voxxed: The Java Birthday Diaries: Part 3 – Trisha Gee on IDEs, Jigsaw, and C++ Hype
Dec 2014 - Voxxed: Developers Want to be Heard
Aug 2014 - MongoDB Blog: Getting started with MongoDB and Java, Part 1
Aug 2014 - MongoDB Blog: Getting started with MongoDB and Java, Part 2
Nov 2013 - O'Reilly Programming: Technical Tests: You’re Doing It Wrong, Part 1
Nov 2013 - O'Reilly Programming: Technical Tests: You’re Doing It Wrong, Part 2
Aug 2013 - MongoDB Blog: The MongoDB Java Driver 3.0
Aug 2013 - MongoDB Blog: The MongoDB Java Driver 3.0: What's changing