
Trisha has released several video courses via Pearson’s Live Lessons. These are all available as a one-time purchase and for viewing on O’Reilly’s learning platform. Moving to Java 9: Better Design and Simpler Code In Moving to Java 9, Java Champion Trisha Gee introduces the key new features and shows how to migrate existing Java …


Trisha is available to give these talks at conferences and events. Coding, technology and process Career and personal development Bio Trisha is a software engineer, Java Champion and author. Trisha has developed Java applications for a range of industries of all sizes, including finance, manufacturing and non-profit, and she’s a lead developer advocate at Gradle. …

All Abstracts

Here you’ll find a history of Trisha’s major talks and workshops. Abstracts Developer Productivity Engineering: What’s in it for me? Slides and more infoSummary: Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) is the Next Big Thing in Software Development. But what is it? How will it foster Developer Joy? And how can you introduce it to your organization? …

Is boilerplate code really so bad?

It’s exhausting staying up to date with the evolution of Java and the myriad other JVM languages. Is it worth it? What do modern languages give us?

Level Up Your Automated Tests

This presentation is about how to change a team’s attitude towards writing automated tests. The talk covers the same case study as Groovy vs Java for Testing, adopting Spock in MongoDB, but this is a more process/agile/people perspective, not a technical look at the merits of one language over another.

Groovy vs Java

Resources for my "Is Groovy Better Than Java for Testing?" talk.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Abstract We all want to stay ahead of the curve – after all, that’s what you go to a conference for. But have you ever considered how being ahead of the curve might be dangerous? Using a new language before you understand it, putting a technology into production so you can learn it, abandoning "old …