Upcoming Events (and Trisha Freaks Out A Bit)

My next few talks are where I finally start speaking about MongoDB. After 4 months working for 10gen, I still feel completely under-qualified to speak with any authority on the subject. It's very different joining a company with an established and growing product, to joining a very young company and being in on the development since practically day one. But I've been working on designing the Brand New Java Driver, so that's what I'm going to talk about.

Continue reading "Upcoming Events (and Trisha Freaks Out A Bit)"

Update on events

Just a quick note to say I was interviewed for another podcast (Update 2020: apparently no longer available), again to talk about all-female events. It's only a short one and there's probably not much in there that I haven't said before, either on here or in person.

From the 21st May, I'm at GOTO, both Copenhagen and Amsterdam. I'll be talking about code & the Disruptor, thank goodness, and will be trying not to rant about the subject of women in technology. If you see me there, come and say hello!

On Friday 25th May, after all the GOTO craziness, I'm going to repeat the Disruptor presentation in Rotterdam at 010DEV, an event rather fantastically called "The Disruptor and the Perfect Programmer", which someone on Twitter correct noted sounds like a fairy tale.

After all that, I'm hopefully going to take June off to play Diablo 3 and Prototype 2, and read the next Game of Thrones book. All these joys I have been denying myself to make sure I get everything sorted in time for next week.

Cyclist tribes

Living and working in central London, you quickly learn that the fastest way around town is to cycle.

My extensive research into this activity has shown there are a number of different cycling tribes. Of course, I have split them into the two groups that are most appropriate to me: 1) slower than me and 2) faster than me. You can probably tell what sort of a cyclist I am by my attitude to the two groups.

Continue reading "Cyclist tribes"


Today, I found my own blog useful. I was configuring Spring validation on my new project, and had to remind myself how to do it. We configured validation on the new project in less than an hour, which beats the two days it took me to work out how to do it the first time.

And I impressed one of my new work collegues. Apparently I am now the Spring Guru. Oooops.