Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money

Nine Things Developer Want More Than Money

Read if you're a developer and wondering what's missing from your job.

Read if you're a manager and you're looking to recruit the right types of developers. In particular be honest with yourself over whether your organisation is more aligned to "hygiene" or "motivation". At least one of the poor job decisions I have made is because the role was mis-sold as one and turned out to be the other.


I know there are arguments against certification, and I definitely think that using certifiction to determine whether to interview or recruit people is downright daft, because frankly learning a bunch of answers isn't all that difficult. But I personally find that completing a certification really helps to round out my knowledge in an area. I guess my thoughts are that a fairly recent certification combined with the work experience to back it up is something that would make your CV more interesting to recruiters.

Continue reading "Certification"

QCon: TODO list inspired by the conference

(Updated 15 Dec 2020 with correct completed status!)

(Update: 15 Dec 2020: Huh. I did OK with these over the following decade...)

QCon: Initial thoughts

Things I took out of QCon:

  • I want to play with Ajax. Maybe I've "grown out" of front end development but that doesn't prevent it from being (potentially) extremely cool
  • Selenium looks like a good place to start for automated website testing
  • It can take up to 7 years to move away from a legacy architecture. Depressing, but at least it shows it can be done and it's worth the effort
  • I'm going to become a certified Scrum Master Mistress. I believe Agile in some form or other is the most efficient way to run software development, but there are a LOT of lessons to learn in order to get it right. And number one lesson is you need the right team.