Have you ever run a Gradle build that failed and seen this message?

Have you ever run a Gradle build that failed and seen this message?
On Thursday I was at Simon Brown's Effective Sketches session at Skillsmatter. Just because my pictures are pretty awesome doesn't mean there's no opportunity for continuous learning.
The points Simon made in the session really made sense to me, and I wish I could have had something like that as a primer when they taught us UML at university. Without the context of what the diagrams were supposed to mean, to convey, all the boxes and lines made no sense to me back then. I'm still not a fan of large chunks of UML because I think the convention sometimes gets in the way of real meaning.
My take-away points were:
Hmm. I have been so busy trying to think of "good" things to write here, and not having the time to actually write, that I see it's been 6 months since the last post.
If anyone is still out there though, I need help. I need a good Certified Scrum Master course in New York or London, preferably in April or May. Any suggestions? The one I wanted to go on was vetoed and now I find it's not running in NY again until Autumn.
PS Do you think it would be inappropriate to use the term "Scrum Mistress" on my CV?