The "User's Guide to the Disruptor" presentation I gave at QCon London is now available on the InfoQ site. This is the same presentation as the one I gave at Skillsmatter in March, but the questions are different. Plus since I'm winging it every time, I probably cover slightly different things or explain some stuff better / worse.
GOTO Amsterdam
Three airports and three hotels in a week, and I don't know whether I'm coming or going. Add to that a mere four hours sleep last night, and this might resemble the ramblings of a mad woman (more than usual that is).
GOTO Amsterdam was a different affair to GOTO Copenhagen, which is not necessarily a bad thing - it's great that the events have their own personalities and aren't cookie cutter versions of the same thing.
GOTO Copenhagen
So, before everything gets pushed out of my head, GOTO Copenhagen.
It was my first conference "alone", in that I didn't have friends and colleagues from LMAX or the London Java Community there with me. And certainly at the start of the conference, I wasn't the only one who was standing around, hoping someone would talk to me (in all honesty some of the photos above are a little unfair - the schedule was a very nice, simple phone app so most people spent a lot of time playing with their phones).
What Do You Do and How Did You Get There?
So yet another interview with me is available, but this one is in written form. It's for the Graduate Developer Community, the aim is to show undergraduates and graduates what real techies jobs are like, and how people doing them they got there.
It's long, but if you know anyone just starting out their career who wants to get a feel for where they might want to go, please point them at it. The site has a number of interviews with people in different roles so it's quite a good way to showcase the diversity of what's available.
(Update: 15 Dec 2020: Original article doesn't seem to be around any more, so I've reproduced the content here)
Continue reading "What Do You Do and How Did You Get There?"
Interviewed for InfoQ at QCon London
I was flattered to be interviewed for InfoQ at QCon London. It was a fun interview actually, and didn't feel anything like the half an hour it actually took. In it, I get to talk about Agile at LMAX, the Disruptor (of course) and diversity in IT (again).
Why Open Source Your Secrets
Here's a video of my Open Conference session on the business benefits of open sourcing your software. Given that the conference was at a weekend and had a very intimate feel, I think I was a teeny bit more honest than I usually am. Enjoy.
Update on events
Just a quick note to say I was interviewed for another podcast (Update 2020: apparently no longer available), again to talk about all-female events. It's only a short one and there's probably not much in there that I haven't said before, either on here or in person.
From the 21st May, I'm at GOTO, both Copenhagen and Amsterdam. I'll be talking about code & the Disruptor, thank goodness, and will be trying not to rant about the subject of women in technology. If you see me there, come and say hello!
On Friday 25th May, after all the GOTO craziness, I'm going to repeat the Disruptor presentation in Rotterdam at 010DEV, an event rather fantastically called "The Disruptor and the Perfect Programmer", which someone on Twitter correct noted sounds like a fairy tale.
After all that, I'm hopefully going to take June off to play Diablo 3 and Prototype 2, and read the next Game of Thrones book. All these joys I have been denying myself to make sure I get everything sorted in time for next week.
Featured on a BBC Podcast
This week's BBC Outriders podcast features yours truly venting about The Subject That Won't Go Away, Women in Technology. I was interviewed at Sunday's Girl Geek conference, and got a chance to voice my opinions once again. For those who can't be bothered to listen, they can probably be summarised as:
- There are genuine problems that face people in our industry, let's talk about those that you have actually faced, not ones that you imagine exist.
- In my opinion, now is a great time for women to make a name for themselves - conference organisers are crying out for you to attend and (if you want) speak, and our industry needs talented people of any type and isn't that fussy about who you are.
- Please, please can we start talking about the good stuff that we see as women in IT? We shouldn't only talk about the issues we face. Yes, we need to highlight problems and address them, but I believe that this message is drowning out all the great things about what we do, and why we love our jobs. We should be encouraging people (not just women) to join us, not putting them off.
In which I defend the Male species at an all Female event
Today I was at the Girl Geek Meetup conference. I didn't advertise it much because I've said in the past I don't really agree with women-only events, and actually I felt quite uncomfortable telling you guys I was going to be there, knowing the majority of my readers weren't allowed to attend.
It's probably worth explaining why I went, so a) I can give you guys and excuse but b) conference organisers can see what people like me are looking for in a conference.
Continue reading "In which I defend the Male species at an all Female event"
Overheard: Agile truths
After attending a number of conferences and events, and performing numerous interviews, I'm starting to hear the same things again and again. Since Dan North challenged all my assumptions at QCon, I'm reluctant to outright ridicule them, but I will put forward my personal opinion.
Note: these are things I have heard from multiple sources, so with any luck I am not breaking the sanctity of the confessional interview.