Strangeloop Disruptor Workshop Materials

On Sunday I gave my very first workshop on the Disruptor. The aim was to give people some hands-on coding experience using the syntax. Because time was limited (you can't get people to build an entire application architecture in 2.5 hours) the example is somewhat contrived, and needs a big leap to make it into a proper application context. But the workshop should:

  1. Give an overview of the Disruptor
  2. Show how to create a simple one producer, one consumer example.
  3. Show how to wire up a parallel event handler
  4. Show how to how (and why) to create a diamond dependency graph.
  5. Extrapolate beyond these very simple examples to something closer to a real world architecture.

Requirements are:

  1. Basic Java skills
  2. Java 7 update 7
  3. (Optionally) IntelliJ.

The slides (not all that useful, I'll grant you, without me talking) are available, and you can download the code.

If you want to work through the examples yourself, start with com.mechanitis.towerdefense.TowerDefence. The starting point code for the workshop is in packagecom.mechanitis.towerdefense. com.mechanitis.towerdefense1 shows a solution to exercise one, com.mechanitis.towerdefense2 to exercise 2 and so forth. The final package, com.mechanitis.towerdefense4, has some different towers you can play with to see the effects. They don't really show anything special about the Disruptor, but they were fun to write and are interesting to play with.


  • Trisha Gee

    Trisha is a software engineer, Java Champion and author. Trisha has developed Java applications for finance, manufacturing and non-profit organisations, and she's a lead developer advocate at Gradle.

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