Brief guide to running the MongoDB tutorial from QCon London and JAX London.
Create a new work area for this tutorial. For the rest of these instructions I'll refer to it as <location>
. I've put
mine in ~/Documents/workshops/jax
Installing MongoDB
Download MongoDB or get it off the USB stick
Unzip to an appropriate location, let's say
Then we'll have to create the directory for the data to go into:
mkdir data`
And then start MongoDB:
./mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath data
Now MongoDB should be running on localhost and port 27017
If you want, you can connect to the shell - this is not necessary for this workshop:
Creating your project
Put the Java project into <location>/java3.0
cd < location>/java3.0
./gradlew idea
./gradlew eclipse
Open in your favourite IDE and you should be ready to start playing.
More help:
Emergency Gradle Procedure:
Download Gradle or get it off the USB stick
Extract to some suitable location. Mine's in
Put gradle on your path. On the Mac, that means adding the following line to ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="/Library/Tools/gradle/bin:$PATH"