JavaOne: Initial Observations

Here's a photo of me representing LMAX as I pick up the Duke Award we won for the Disruptor (Thanks to Martijn for taking the photo)

So I've been at JavaOne for the better part of three days, it's time to record some of my observations so far:

  • The wireless access is rubbish.
  • <Gross generalisation> technical people are not natural public speakers. Makes me feel better about the presentations I'm going to be giving (see A Beginner's Guide to Hardcore Concurrency).
  • The sessions are less useful than getting out and chatting. I've had a really excellent time, I've met: people from other Java User Groups; the Duchess girls; other Duke Award winners; the Azul guys; guys (well, girls) from O'Reilly books; JCP members and many random and awesome people.
  • Everyone thinks that Large is an acceptable default t-shirt size (it's not). Vendors - if you're really serious about appealing to The Other Gender you need to stock XS, if not actual skinny tees.
  • If you're running a conference, you should probably have your projection screens above the height of the audience members' heads
  • People at JavaOne are dead friendly. I've ended up in a lot of conversations just by virtue of standing alone for longer than 30 seconds. It is noticeably easier to talk to people here than at the conferences I've been attending in London. Not sure if that's a location thing or a domain thing.
  • Socialising in London is great practice for this sort of event. I am capable of taking advantage of free drink and still maintaining a conversation and staying upright in 6 inch heels.
  • I miss American breakfasts. I've been gorging myself on pancakes, biscuits and gravy, and eggs benedict. I'll be calling my personal trainer as soon as I return.
  • Haven't seen anything to contradict my view that San Francisco is not the Brit's typical view of California - the weather is rubbish. London has been hotter and sunnier this week.
  • Sharing an apartment with your CTO is not as weird as you might think. Especially if you relegate him to the closet (no, that's not a euphemism).
  • It's difficult to remember to Tweet or blog when you're totally engrossed in conversations with people.

I was grabbed for an interview which should be available (un-edited - erk!) on at some point, I'll post it when it's available (if it's not rubbish).


  • Trisha Gee

    Trisha is a software engineer, Java Champion and author. Trisha has developed Java applications for finance, manufacturing and non-profit organisations, and she's a lead developer advocate at Gradle.

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