Sevilla MUG, first event

Last night was the inaugural meeting of the Sevilla MongoDN User Group. An event organised with just over 48 hours notice, in a city where I don't speak the language and where even my best-connected contacts aren't sure they're fully plugged in to the tech scene.

I'll admit, I had some reservations:

  • a lightning talk? Will people come all that way for beer and 15 minutes of presentation?
  • in English? Whilst I'm desperately learning Spanish to get closer to presenting in Spanish, at this point I'm just not ready and have to hope people want to listen to me ramble in a foreign language
  • a MUG? Are people interested in joining a group that's solely focussed on one technology, a technology that might not have adoption here or even interest?
  • two days notice? Are you kidding? I know people here like to figure out their plans at the last minute, but surely this is shooting ourselves in the foot before we even start.

And then last night... The people... they came. On time. And with their interesting stories and their varied backgrounds. They listened, they asked questions, they wanted more.

What a great event. What an awesome city.

I can't wait for next month.

(Slides here, with usual caveats of them being pretty pointless on their own)


  • Trisha Gee

    Trisha is a software engineer, Java Champion and author. Trisha has developed Java applications for finance, manufacturing and non-profit organisations, and she's a lead developer advocate at Gradle.

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